Modern Slavery Statement​

VooDu Marketing Pty Ltd is steadfast in adhering to our responsibilities towards the dignity, well-being, and fundamental rights of both our employees and our supply chain partners We are committed to working with ethically minded partners / suppliers and expect their commitment in identifying the potential for modern slavery risks along our supply chain.

1. Background

Modern slavery is an ongoing issue worldwide. Modern Slavery is a crime and violation of human rights and is defined under the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act) as including eight types of serious exploitation: Some forms of modern slavery include:

  • Forced labour any work or services which people are forced to do against their will under the threat of some form punishment.
  • Debt bondage work to pay off the debt, then losing control over the conditions of both their employment and the debt.
  • Human trafficking involved people being transported into a situation of exploitation through the use of violence, deception or coercion. Purpose of exploitation can range from forced prostitution and forced labour to forced marriage and forced organ removal.
  • Decent-based slavery- a mother in slavery is automatically enslaved too.
  • Child slavery defined as the delivery of a child by its parents or a guardian to someone else for the purpose of exploitation. Child slavery can include child trafficking, child soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery.
  • Forced marriage when someone is married against their will and cannot
    leave the marriage. Most child marriages can be considered slavery.
  • The exploitation of migrant workers in conditions amounting to slavery.

2. VooDu Marketing Pty Ltd Commitment to Anti-Slavery

VooDu Marketing has a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of modern slavery within our business, and within our supply chain. VooDu Marketing is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business relationships by implementing effective policies and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our own business or in any of our supply chains.

VooDu Marketing undertakes due diligence when considering engaging new suppliers or continuing business with existing suppliers:

  • Reviewing supplier bases, understanding our supply chains with a view of identifying high risk categories/areas.
  • Updating companywide Policies, contracts and starting internal communication and education processes.
  • Evaluating modern slavery risks through the completion of “modern slavery supplier questionnaire which is attached.
  • Terminating our relationship with suppliers who refuse to address their modern slavery risks or fail to improve their performance in line with an agreed action plan.

Should VooDu Marketing Pty Ltd become aware that any supplier does not meet the Modern Slavery Supplier Code of Conduct, we will engage directly with the supplier and develop an action plan to eradicate the practice in a transparent, timely and efficient manner. Should the supplier be uncooperative, the appropriate action will be taken, including terminating the business relationship, if necessary, by VooDu Marketing Pty Ltd.

3. Our Modern Slavery Supplier Policy

VooDu Marketing Pty Ltd has approved a Modern Slavery Supplier Policy that sets out our expectations of our suppliers. VooDu Marketing Pty Ltd will work collaboratively with those in our supply chain to identify and eradicate any instances of modern slavery.

4. Reporting

VooDu Marketing Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring adherence to this policy as part of its goal in preventing, detecting, and reporting modern slavery in any part of our supply chain. We encourage all those working on the Company’s behalf to avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this Policy.

Any suspected instances of modern slavery should be reported. Staff may report to their one-up manager, General Manager or HR. Staff and other reporting persons external to the business may also report using the Whistleblower hotline – refer to the VooDu Marketing Pty Ltd Whistleblower.

5. Breaches of this Policy

Any employee who breaches this policy will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for misconduct or gross misconduct. We may terminate our relationship with other individuals and organisations working on our behalf if they breach this policy.